School Health Services
Welcome to the Harlandale I.S.D. School Health Services
At Harlandale, providing safe care for all children is the School Nurse's number one priority! This may mean having to send your child home to seek medical care for a condition identified by the School Nurse. Maximizing the time your child spends in the learning environment is our ultimate goal, every day. Sending your child home may be the fastest way of returning your child to the learning environment. Non-urgent and non-emergent conditions will be referred to a physician for care. If your child’s condition is urgent or emergent, you will be notified by the School Nurse or School Representative.
8:00AM - 4:30PM
Ms. JoAnna Lujan
Student Support Services Coordinator
Ms. Rose Malcolm
School Health Services Nurse Facilitator
Elementary Schools
Adams: (210) 989-2812
Bellaire: (210) 989-2855
Collier: (210) 989-2955
Fenley Center: (210) 989-4501
Gilbert: (210) 989-3055
Gillette: (210) 989-3108
Schulze: (210) 989-3269
Stonewall-Flanders: (210) 989-3307
Vestal: (210) 989-3355
Wright: (210) 989-3407
Middle Schools
Harlandale: (210) 989-2041
Kingsborough: (210) 989-2214
Leal: (210) 989-2408
Terrell Wells: (210) 989-2605
High Schools
Harlandale: (210) 989-1016
McCollum:(210) 989-1516
STEM: (210) 989-3503
Additional Campuses
HAC: (210) 989-5212
Frank Tejeda Academy: (210) 989-4905
Jewel Weitzel: (210) 989-3284
Harlandale Independent School District
Office: (210) 989-4495