Instructional Coaching


The goal of the Harlandale Independent School District’s instructional coaching program is to increase the success of teachers and students by inspiring excellence in the teaching profession.  Through a coaching partnership, the instructional coach provides opportunities for reflection of a teacher’s instruction, professional growth, collaboration, and implementation of effective practices which will foster student growth. 


Combining passion and potential in educators so students have an excellent education.  

Instructional Coaching Program

Instructional coaches develop educational partnerships to empower teachers, promote ideas, and strategies to foster student success. Through a coaching partnership, the instructional coach is able to support effective instructional practices by building teacher reflection, efficacy, and enhancing content knowledge through supporting the understanding of the TEKS. The Harlandale Instructional Coaching Program promotes a growth mindset and highlights the idea that coaching is for everyone.

Coaching Cycles: A teacher and instructional coach partnership takes place over a course of a coaching cycle that may last between 8 - 10 weeks. During this time, the instructional coach will support the teacher in student-centered SMART goals. These coaching cycles take place through various phases of an academic school year.

Student-Centered SMART Goals: As the teacher and instructional coach’s partnership begins, the teacher will identify student-centered goals that will elevate their instruction to ensure student success over the course of the coaching cycle. The identified student-centered goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and will be reached within a certain period of time.