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Harlandale ISD Response to Intervention (RTI)

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-leveled process in which educational professionals provide high-quality instruction/interventions to students.

The RTI process begins with high-quality, research-based instruction for all students in the general education classroom.

RTI Provides:

  • an increased focus on early intervention

  • personalized instruction based on student needs driven by assessment data.

  • interventions to remediate skills deficits before they lead to severe or chronic difficulties.

RTI 2020-2021 Addendum

If you would like more information on what the Harlandale ISD RTI program is comprised of. Please review the document below. If you have any questions please visit our RTI Staff page and contact one of our RTI district team members.

HISD RTI Addendum Document 20-21

District Universal Screeners