Harlandale ISD in search of surrogate parents

The Special Education Department of Harlandale Independent School District is looking for Surrogate Parents. If you or someone you know would like to serve in this voluntary role for our students, please contact:

Stephanie Castillo
Special Education Administrative Assistant
210-989-5255 stephanie.castillo@myhisd.net

The Individual with disabilities Education ACT (IDEA) requires that state and
local school systems involve parents in decisions regarding their child’s
needs. In cases where the child has no parents, none can be located, or the
child is a ward of the state, a parent surrogate must be appointed to
represent the child and protect the child’s rights in matters relating to
identification, evaluation, and placement in a special education program.
A surrogate parent must also complete required training regarding special
education laws, rules, to a child with disability and be willing to put in the
time to adequately represent the best interests of the child.