Volleyball camp will take place on August 7-8th, 2023
For incoming 6th thru 8th grade.
Time: 8:30-10:30AM
Where: Terrell Wells Middle School
Cost: $20.00 Cash
Setters can arrive at 8:00am for a quick Setters Clinic prior to camp starting at 8:30am.
You must dress appropriately to participate (t-shirt and shorts). Bring your knee pads, tennis shoes, and your own WATER BOTTLE to stay hydrated. NO JEWELRY SHOULD BE WORN and hair must be tied back.
This is your final opportunity to prepare for volleyball tryouts which begin on August 14th, the first day of school. We encourage all of you to attend.
Go Trojans!
Please reach out to Coach Donicia Rodriguez if you have any questions at donicia.rodriguez@myhisd.net
Sign-up link here- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7T6OVr0jiOCPlASGORzHUkZhjegDJPfprvzjUkuUuJTDo7A/viewform